Monday, November 19, 2007

As good as on, the war with Iran

A contingent of top American military leaders oppose war with Iran. Last weekend the obsequious crew of The McLaughlin Report stated overwhelming opposition from all quarters insures this new war simply can't happen.

Ayatollah Emami-Kashani said in a sermon November 9 that nuclear weapons are forbidden by Islamic law, and that Iran doesn't want them. Rep. Neil Abercrombie has introduced a bill clarifying that the authorization to use military force does not allow Bush to attack Iran, and that he needs new Congressional approval. All this sounds pretty good, doesn't it?

Yes, it all sounds good, and it means exactly nothing. Saudi Social Affairs Minister Abdel Mohsen Hakas and Rihab Massoud, Prince Bandar ben Sultan's right hand, are resigned to the certainty of an American strike on Iran before Bush leaves office.

Freedom's Watch has been assembling focus groups this month to craft sales pitches, arguments, slogans or language designed to promote support for a war with Iran. This story also says the group expects to raise $200 million in funds for an advertising campaign by this time next year.

If it's legal for people to do this, is it legal for other people to use them for target practice?